My Sexual Attractions CHANGED — My 1-Minute Testimony!

Landmark Study Shows Trauma Treatment Significantly Alters Sexual Attractions
Surprising results challenge our assumptions about how fluid sexual attractions are.

WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif., Oct. 4, 2021 – A new large-scale, peer-reviewed study in the Journal of Human Sexuality demonstrates that Reintegrative Therapy’s approach to sexual attraction fluidity exploration in therapy significantly decreases unwanted sexual behaviors while improving psychological well-being.

Researchers examined 75 adult males who reported same-sex attractions and wished to explore their sexual attraction fluidity.

The study assessed the participants’ sexual thoughts, feelings and behaviors – all of which demonstrated changes. On average, participants demonstrated significant decreases in psychological distress, such as anxiety, depression, and suicidality. They also showed significant overall increases in measures of well-being.


From the ancient buddhist scholastic writings to new neuroscientific findings, mindfulness practice sometimes triggers spontaneous changes in individuals' sexual feelings. Discover the history, the science and the application of this fascinating topic.


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Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy: new peer-reviewed pilot study documents Reintegrative Therapy’s® effect on binge eating disorder— indicating spontaneous decrease in binge eating, including thoughts, feelings, cravings and behaviors — all by resolving traumatic memories.

Reintegrative Therapy®is a specific combination of established, evidence-based treatment interventions. The Reintegrative Therapy Association is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization which promotes the highest standards of excellence  in Reintegrative Therapy®.  Our mission is to educate the public and train professional therapists about this therapeutic approach.  Our foundation makes donations to promote the public welfare through scientific advancement and educational outreach. 

Deep dive: what methods does Reintegrative Therapy use? Download an article in a peer-reviewed journal, outlining one of our methods.


Why Reintegrative Therapy®?

Using established, mainstream, evidence-based treatment interventions, the client and therapist enter into a collaborative relationship, with the client ultimately in the driver's seat.

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Our Approach

The foundation of Reintegrative Therapy® is the establishment of the therapeutic alliance. The client and therapist agree to work together toward clearly defined objectives as defined by the client, and agreed upon by the client and the therapist. Those goals and objectives can always be redefined. All therapists must abide by the Reintegrative Therapy® practice guidelines.

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Watch: Timothy Long, LMFT introduces Reintegrative Therapy® in Budapest, Hungary to clinicians from 22 countries. Professional therapists can gain professional training now.

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Proven Treatments

Using established, evidence-based treatments for treating trauma and addiction, Reintegrative Therapy® has helped clients throughout the world.

Previous training seminars:

May 28, 2023- July 6, 2023- 6-week Zoom training group
October 14-15, 2022- Budapest, Hungary

January 20, 2022- February 28, 2022
December 2, 2020- January 6, 2021- 6-week Zoom training group.
November 14-16, 2019- Budapest, Hungary
June 7-8, 2019- Mexico City, Mexico
May 3-4, 2019- Slovakia
October 6th, 2018- Orlando, Florida
October 26-28, 2018- Budapest, Hungary


“Our clients deserve the same as anyone else: to have a therapist who understands and supports them in their journey.”

— Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, Jr.


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